Reality is not what you see
The Eyes Are The Window To The Soul. What are the eyes seeing? Only the beautiful or the ugly – or both? What is aesthetic, what is beautiful? Does every object or subject require a name or label?
Everything is "beautiful" or just(ly) is when one perceives details without a rigid mindset. Reality is like a puzzle and by focusing on "different" perspectives, small details and nourishing one's inner child truly wonderful (label inserted) puzzles pieces come to life.
"Think different." may appear like a simple slogan. In actuality, think originates from Proto-Indo-European *teng: "to think, feel, know", or in short "to perceive". Perception creates reality.
"Seeing" is rather a holistic activity of the brain coupled with subconscious and unconscious biases. Rene Descartes related the pineal gland to the mystical third eye (ajna in Hinduism), a concept that was known in ancient Egypt and still is known in Buddism (Eye of Consciousness).

Flow with whatever may happen and let your mind be free. Stay centered by accepting whatever you are doing. This is the ultimate.

Weitere Informationen über Mikel Rø
Mikel Rø is not fond of labels and considers one direction rather as a one-way street and limiting. He prefers to remain some mystery. While he was born in the GDR and now lives in Hamburg he does not consider himself being German, but an Earthling/ Starseed. His ancestral DNA genetic group distribution shows roughly one third Irish, Scottish and Welsh, one third Balkan, more than one sixth Scandinavian and some Baltic plus English. Genetic group of Germany not present. A question like "Who are you?" reads simple, but what if one is being asked to not use name, age, nationality, occupation, hobbies? What is left? Mikel Rø feels a little "different", sometimes like an alien born on the wrong planet.
Mikel Rø received his first photo camera at a very young age – from his grandpa; his first images featured bears (in the zoo). The world of music also had to be explored, so he "studied" most music genres. Later he started to produce music, including one bootleg remix of Boris Dlugosch's "Look Around You" that was even played on Danish radio. Photography is simply one facet of his personality, another one is painting. Just for the fun of exploration. Philosophy and spirituality are playing major roles, combining Eastern and Western approaches, but not following any doctrines. Learning by simply doing. Being the observer who observes one Self and the world.
The Ego is a peculiar construct to Mikel Rø. It is an ID, but not real. The Persona is only a mask. The Self is hidden, the Shadow is being hidden from the public. Who is Mikel Rø? An artist-scientist chimera, an INTP weirdo like Albert Einstein, John Nash, Charles Darwin, Rene Descartes, Hannah Arendt, M.I.A., Liam Gallagher, Dustin Hoffmann, Sigourney Weaver or Sheldon Cooper.
Mikel Rø believes that reality cannot be explained in binary thinking patterns, because words alone are biased due to conscious and unconscious etymological meanings and (societal) conditioning. Using the INTP personality label means introverted thinking dominates, combined with extraverted intuition and extraverted feeling. Qohen Leth in Terry Gilliam's motion picture "The Zero Theorem" is a literal example of the latter: what feels humanity. The character speaks not as "I", but "We". Other labels that may be applied to Mikel Rø are neurodiversity and highly sensitive person.